The UAS experience

Dromomania x Mighty Jaxx Restaurant Design Project, Jenifer Wang, NAFA

At UAS, our core philosophy emphasises a transformative arts education driven by a unique global perspective. Our experiential learning programme is designed to shape you into the artists, leaders, and scholars of tomorrow. Be equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital realm and a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) landscape. Learn to push the boundaries of traditional and contemporary artistic mediums. Become a changemaker who is critical, curious, resilient, innovative, and courageous—values that will serve as your compass and help guide your artistic journey.

‘Nicholas-14 Portraits’, Long Teng Min, NAFA

UAS common curriculum


The UAS common curriculum has three modules: (1) IN-depth, (2) Career Skills, and (3) Industry-Based Learning. These are graduation requirements for UAS undergraduates across all programs, subjects, schools, and groups. Most universities have a common or core curriculum for undergraduates. This provides a shared academic experience beyond their chosen specialties. The common curriculum also allows students from different programs to learn together, fostering interdisciplinary learning.

At UAS, our three-year BA Honours programme offers limited time for students to choose common electives across departments or schools. As such, the UAS Common Curriculum is designed to offer students a wide-ranging experience based on various learning opportunities:

  • It connects learning with real-life arts and industry practices
  • It focuses on hands-on learning, where you learn by doing, by making mistakes, by reflecting, by giving and receiving feedback to and from peers and mentors.
  • It teaches you how to communicate effectively to different audiences
The Common Curriculum is an important part of undergraduate education at UAS. It supports and strengthens learning in degree programmes. It encourages students to explore different perspectives, think critically, and make an impact in the world as an artist in contemporary society.


The design of the Common Curriculum, especially the IN-depth module, is oriented toward the desired qualities of UAS graduates, capabilities that are developed in tandem with the cultivation of human senses and values. Broadly, these may be summarised as follows:

  1. Curiosity and Creativity: Developing habits of questioning, with an openness to new knowledge and ideas, a willingness to explore and experiment, engaging the world imaginatively.
  2. Courage and Integrity: Developing self-awareness and moral compass in thought and action, despite obstacles, fears, and the risks of adverse consequences.
  3. Critical Thinking: Combining interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-correction, taking into consideration changing circumstances.
  4. Resourcefulness and Resilience: Learning from failure and overcoming adversity with attentiveness to the care of oneself and others.
  5. Initiative and Innovation: Taking a proactive approach to resolve complex issues with new solutions.
  6. Agility and Versatility: Demonstrating adaptability and responsiveness in the face of change, including new social conditions and technological disruption.
  7. Teamwork and Collaboration: Working effectively with others from diverse disciplinary and cultural backgrounds towards shared goals.
  8. Communication and Consensus-building: Cultivating habits of listening, encouraging honest discussion and building trust and solidarity.
  9. Good Judgement: Clarifying the sense-making process, including cognitive frames and emotions that govern one’s action, and testing one’s judgment against others in a spirit of intellectual humility.
  10. Responsible Decision-Making: Making choices that are socially and ethically responsible while considering the impact on others and the environment.

While the Common Curriculum aims to develop all of the desired qualities, the emphasis is on students learning to exercise good judgement and make responsible decisions – which serves as the basis for our students to become change agents.


While the Common Curriculum doesn't directly contribute credits towards graduation, it remains an essential requirement for all students seeking to graduate. Regardless of their chosen program or major, every student must complete the designated number of hours for each module within the Common Curriculum. These modules serve as foundational components of the university's academic framework, offering students opportunities to explore diverse perspectives, develop critical thinking skills, and engage in interdisciplinary learning. By fulfilling the requirements of the Common Curriculum, students enrich their educational experience, broaden their intellectual horizons, and cultivate a well-rounded understanding of the world around them, thereby preparing them for success in their future endeavors.

Though the Common Curriculum is non-credit bearing, it is still a requirement for graduation. All students will need to fulfil the number of hours for the following modules.

Module NameNumber of HoursTypical Breakdown of Units
1. IN-depth 36 hours1 x 9-hour workshop per semester x 4 semesters
2. Career Skills0 hours1 x 9-hour workshop per semester x 4 semesters
3. Industry-based Learning0 hours1 x 9-hour workshop per semester x 4 semesters

The standard candidature period refers to the typical timeframe within which students are expected to complete a programme of study. [See XXX]


Our grade-free scheme, in the form of “Completed”/ “Incomplete” option, seeks to provide a supportive and enabling environment at UAS that fosters self-driven interests towards intellectual exploration, without undue concern that exploring new subject areas may adversely affect their GPA.

By emphasising on attendance tracking and monitoring, we aim to encourage active participation and engagement in the continuous learning process. In fact, we are so confident in our programming that we foresee students taking beyond the required number of workshops within these modules.

See module codes in the Appendix.


Module NameNumber of HoursTypical Breakdown of Units
1. IN-depth 36 hours1 x 9-hour workshop per semester x 4 semesters
2. Career Skills0 hours1 x 9-hour workshop per semester x 4 semesters
3. Industry-based Learning0 hours1 x 9-hour workshop per semester x 4 semesters

For students with Accreditation for Prior Learning (APL), the criteria for waiver from completing the full 36 hours of the IN-depth module involves demonstrating evidence of proficiency or prior experience in relevant areas of study. APL students may submit documentation, such as certificates, transcripts, or portfolios, showcasing their previous coursework, professional experience, or self-directed learning activities that align with the learning objectives of the module. The evidence provided should demonstrate a thorough understanding and mastery of the required competencies and concepts covered in the IN-depth module. Upon review and approval by the academic department or designated faculty, APL students may be granted a waiver for a portion of the module, allowing them to fulfill 27 hours instead of the full requirement.


Symphony No. 9 “From The New World” at the Victoria Concert Hall, NAFA Orchestra


UAS faculty members are more than just artist-educators; they are mentors, collaborators and sources of inspiration. They are professional artists and designers with extensive industry experience, many of whom are award winners, renowned and respected in their respective fields. Learn from the best and obtain insights and expertise from the industry. Gain real-world experiences in an immersive, hands-on environment that will help bridge the gap between theory and practice.


Industry partnership and collaboration

UAS offers all students the opportunity to enhance their learning journey by working with actual companies, either in creative industries or through creative positions in non-creative industries. Partnerships and collaborations are the springboard for solving global challenges through creative ideation. The learning also continues through student internships, offering all learners the opportunity to gain real experience in industry.

Industry collaborations at UAS take place on several levels, from simple design competitions open to all students, to more formalised live projects embedded in the curriculum. These allow students to engage and learn from top industry professionals, while finding creative solutions for real-life challenges. Many projects are worked on in teams to promote interactive collaboration and group problem-solving. The highest level of engagement with industry are our capstone projects, pairing select students with industry leaders in longer, high visibility projects.

For companies interested in learning more about becoming a UAS industry partner, please contact us at [email protected].

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